writer - Dallas Jackson, Gene Quintano;
summary - Welcome to Sudden Death is a video starring Michael Jai White, Michael Eklund, and Sabryn Rock. Sequel to the 1995 Jean-Claude Van Damme action flick;
Dallas Jackson;
runtime - 81min
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How can you actually pick up evidence in a massive exploition. Just asking. It was so bad i had to say it again. 6 wasted.
Well rehearsed timing with a fake ECG monitor. Add a fit assistant and you've got yourself a few millions views on YouTube. MENTAL. Jim Cavezell and Densel Washintong are two great actors made for this movie seen this movie 3 yrs. ago. The best thriller scifi ever. ❤😍 Thank you. What is this crap about. Was this a prison execution. OR WHAT. Youll what. burn my toast! AHAHAHAHAHA! 18:26. Something wrong with this brotha, seek help because this is nothing productive. I meen. If he was dead. He will fall down like a stone.
Great movie.
He awoke. Cause it's a simple trick.
Really bad actor... low budget movie.
This was very good.
English Best Action.
Show the full video, i fell like he would definitely come back.
This in 90's was the man.
What the.
Wow way to ride the shoulders of a vam damme movie ughh. COME ON MAN.
Many of this type are spread like krona these days they want fame at the expense of others, and many were beaten hard because they speak badly like McGregor said of Khabib.
Ah ha, well spotted ! good one.
Hahaha! Clever.
Still seating on.
I didn't expect a whole lot, but somehow my expectations were still too high. The dialogue is atrocious and delivered poorly. Some of the characters quip like they know they're in a movie. What few fight sequences there are have been chopped to pieces. The motivations seemed like they existed just for the writer to attempt to make some statement about the military complex.
Only gets two stars because Michael Jai White is awesome. Even though he was clearly phoning it in for this movie.
That's simple, get a bunch of actors to perform according to the script. A really bad movie from the script to the acting one of the worst i have seen in a long time. I expected Expected cheesy, but it was bad too. Watch at your own risk. Different from the Classic One from the 90's.